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Many career paths provide an opportunity to serve God, but church jobs offer a direct way to apply and explore your faith in your work. Working in the church allows you to pursue your calling in ministry, 宗教教育等领域. Before applying for a career in the church, you’ll most likely need at…


Do you find yourself having the “Sunday Blues” on a regular basis? 周日下午三点左右, some people experience the crushing realization that Monday is looming and they are headed back to the weekday grind. 事情并不一定要这样. If you choose a purpose-driven job that aligns with your personal mission, Monday…


“Ritual is the passage way of the soul into the Infinite.” -Jane Addams The sacraments are considered a keystone of Catholic practice. As physical expressions of sacred experiences, these rituals serve as metaphorical doorways for those in the faith to enter and return to the church. The seven Catholic sacraments each mark important moments from…


Although the Catholic Church has provided guidance to its followers for nearly 2,000 years, only recently has it made efforts to work directly with youth. Youth ministry is emerging as a viable career path for those interested in merging their faith with their passion for service. Jobs for directors of religious activities and education (including…

5 .有价值的神学工作

Many people choose to study religion as a meaningful way to improve their professional prospects while deepening their faith. Those who study theology can be skilled professionals in a variety of career paths. In general, theology degree programs focus on preparing students for leadership roles in their religious organization or church. 他们提供圣经…

神学在BUonline:采访博士. Stuart Squires

We talked with Dr. Stuart Squires, an Assistant Professor in Theology and the Theology Area Coordinator at Brescia University. He has some great insight into how earning a theology degree from BUonline can prepare you for careers both within and outside of the church.


There are many diverse Catholic careers open to graduates who hold a theology degree. While ministry jobs may be the most commonly held careers by theologians, there are many jobs in the Catholic Church other than that of priest or pastor. You do not have to be ordained to find work with the Catholic Church,…


不管你有什么才能, there are employment opportunities in the Catholic Church for those who wish to dedicate part of their life to God. Many parishioners accept small paid positions within their faith while others who have heard the call commit their all to forging a career in the church. 请继续阅读,了解更多关于……


在天主教的等级制度中, 教皇在顶端, 然后是红衣主教, bishops, 牧师和执事按此顺序排列. There are two types of deacons in the Catholic Church: permanent deacons and transitional deacons. Only men can be deacons; it is an ordained position and only men can be ordained in the Catholic Church.…


The requirements for teaching in a private school, 包括天主教学校, are similar to that of teaching in public schools. Because private schools are not state funded, they are not required to meet as many state regulations to obtain funding. For this reason, qualifications for public and private school teachers may vary. Read on for…

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